I'm a charity, how do I get listed?
If you are a charity or Not-For-Profit in need or have any questions please email info@creatorsaotearoa.com
How much time do I need to give?
Unless specificed in the Need, we encourage all marketers to be upfront with the charity about how much time they have to dedicate to the Need. Most of the charities are inexperienced when it comes to creative marketing, so help them by setting expectations upfront.
Are the marketers quality vetted
Marketers that connect on the website are not vetted - Creators Aotearoa is set up on trust and acts as a digital 'connector' to fast track help in this space. We ask for goodwill from both the marketer and the charity and hope that respect is exhcanged in terms of time, expectations and commitment.
What happens once we connect?
Once you fill in the form on the Needs page, you will shortly receive an email from the charity which will include a filled in Creators brief for the Need. From there, it's over to you to ask any questions!
Will the marketer get paid?
The idea is to exchange skills rather than money. If there are hard costs involved in the Need you are helping with, put this to your charity and discuss whether they're willing to fund some of the Need you're helping with.